The Matrix: The Idea Of People Being Imprisoned Inside A Simulation And Controlled By A Superior Being

What if we were all characters in a hyper-realistic virtual world? The Matrix is an example of a movie that shows people in capsules experiencing a realistic simulation, without realizing they are artificial. Philosophers, scientists and others have always questioned if we are living in the “real” world. The world is still a mystery, and the idea that it could be simulated only adds to the confusion. It is a fact that life on Earth has a simulation-like quality. Every day, people get up, go to school or work, and then go home. I find it highly unlikely that people are actually in a computer simulation. This is because there isn’t any evidence to back this up. The thought of a computer simulation leads to questions such as: who made it? Why were they making it? What happens to our actual bodies? Some people believe in a simulation because they cannot prove that we live in reality. There is, however, more evidence coming from scientists and philosophers that point to the fact that we are not living in a simulation.

The Matrix and Plato’s Cave allegory are closely related. Plato, in his cave allegory, describes people who are born and live inside a cave. They’re chained against the wall. In Plato’s allegory of the cave, he describes people born in a dark cave and living there their entire lives. Unchained, one man stepped out into the world. He was unable to believe what he saw, because the objects seemed too good for real. The shadows that he had been used to were told were fake and unreal, but things like plants, animals, and sunlight were real. He gradually adapted to his new surroundings and began to see a different light in the sun. The sun’s light can be used to show the truth and nature of each object. The man returns to his cave and tells his friends what he learned in the outside world. The darkness and shadows in the cave were a surprise to him. He tried to rescue his comrades. But they refused, and said his experience was useless. The Matrix is based on Plato’s cave allegory. Neo, the main character in the film, had the opportunity to take a red capsule and leave the computer simulation behind to see what life was really like. He swallowed it to wake up and experience the real world. He was shocked to find that thousands of individuals were trapped in capsules, living a fake reality. Neo could be the man that left the cave, and went outside to see the world. Both men left their augmented world to confront reality and the unknown. They eventually returned to their artificial realities in order to free those who were enslaved. Plato ties his allegory to the theory of form he wrote about in other dialogues. Plato says that the “physical reality” is a mere shadow or reflection of his forms-reality.

The Matrix is a product of many philosophical ideas. Rene Descartes’ idea is another. Descartes’ Evil Demon explains a powerful and manipulative demon, which exists to only deceive Descartes. This demon, according to the philosopher, creates an “imaginary” world in which Descartes can live and even falsifies everything he feels through his body. The demon in question can manipulate the outside world and create it, but he cannot alter universal truths. Descartes believes that he is only a mind, due to this mediation. Descartes, as a result, decides that he will leave behind all his illusions in order to focus only on the real. The Matrix reveals the evil demon ideology, also known as Cartesian question. The Matrix is the demon in the movie that controls and manipulates humanity. The Matrix can make a person feel like they’re living in a virtual world. The system had a flaw: the machine fed the person what they wanted to believe. In The Matrix, for instance, if someone shares their opinion of what oatmeal tastes as, another person will experience it in a completely different way. People tend to have a similar opinion about food, and many other things, in reality.

Can we now say that, using these philosophical views, we are not part of a “simulation?” Short answer: It’s highly unlikely. We cannot prove anything, not even that the world is an illusion. The idea that the world is being simulated is just a speculation based on our personal beliefs. The sun shines on Earth constantly, just like in Plato’s cave allegory, and reveals to us what appears to be true. Descartes’ Evil Demon probably isn’t realistic because we aren’t deceived in our perception and understanding. We can be sure that everything we feel or touch is the real thing. It would take technology far from reality to simulate things that do not exist. This technology makes it unlikely that there is a higher being. Has anyone escaped the simulation and realized that it is real? Neo does not exist in our world. During simulations, glitches are common. The spoon scene in Matrix is a good example. In history, there has never been a phenomenon like this. It is impossible to dodge bullets and bend a fork with the mind. Today’s world is too real to be a simulation.

I conclude that, despite what some people believe, we are not controlled and imprisoned in a simulation. There are many conspiracies in our world that have not been explored or known. We cannot be sure that we’re not in a virtual reality. For centuries, it is unlikely that anyone will be able debunk these conspiracy theories. We can only do one thing right now: trust in the reality of everything and keep coming up with theories to support that. Over the years, reality has never misled us and we hope it will not in the future. Our technology will one day be so advanced we’ll be able make our own “simulation.” For now, let’s just continue our normal lives.


  • kaylarusso

    Kayla Russo is an educational blogger and volunteer and student. She is a 27 yo educational blogger and volunteer and student who loves to help others learn.



Kayla Russo is an educational blogger and volunteer and student. She is a 27 yo educational blogger and volunteer and student who loves to help others learn.

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