The Art Of Learning How To Think

Going to university isn’t just about obtaining knowledge, it’s also about developing your critical thinking skills. This stage in lifeprovides you with the time and opportunity to improve your ability to think deeply. However, it can be difficult to manage this with the extensive range of subjects from the cosmos to cuisine leaving you with a lot to think about.

Nonetheless, the diverse range of topics is actually helpful as sharpening your thinking skills, much like any other skill, takes practice. The more you think and the more ideas you generate, the greater your chance of producing good ones. It’s important to note that you should not focus solely on negative feedback if all your ideas are unsuccessful – acknowledge it and keep pushing to develop better thoughts.

It’s important not to be one-track minded while thinking as this limits the possibility of forming connections between seemingly unrelated concepts, which is a quality often present in brilliant thinkers.

On occasions, it’s necessary to know what you should be focusing on and why, and to remain reasonable in your approach. Contemplating meal ingredients won’t necessarily aid in solving the origin of the universe.

If you are struggling with thinking, you may be lacking other skills such as unfamiliarity with the subject at hand, a limited vocabulary, or poor time-management. Additionally, distractions and an unproductive environment can hinder productive thinking.

You don’t have to think alone; discussing ideas with others can help to refine and develop them. Likewise, writing down your thoughts and ordering them logically can aid in shaping your ideas. Further, there are various thinking techniques such as mind-mapping and Edward De Bono’s six thinking hats to try out.

If you manage to develop good thinking habits while at university, you can apply them beyond university and use them in everyday life.


  • kaylarusso

    Kayla Russo is an educational blogger and volunteer and student. She is a 27 yo educational blogger and volunteer and student who loves to help others learn.



Kayla Russo is an educational blogger and volunteer and student. She is a 27 yo educational blogger and volunteer and student who loves to help others learn.

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